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​Where am I going?

To a small village in Uganda called Kaberamaido.

Why here?

Our church began its partnership with this village years ago through child sponsorship, and it turned into an effort to bring self-sustainability and education to an area decimated by AIDS and other diseases.


Why am I going?
Because I want to do more than just send my money.  I want to be part of the project, to witness God's work first hand, to be humbled, and above all else to connect with these children on a personal level.


How can you help?

A grand total of $2,000 is needed for this trip to happen.  This covers airfare, required immunizations and vaccinations and the actual visit itinerary.  You can donate to the cause by clicking the "Donate" link at the top right of this page!

​Latest project


The church is currently raising money to purchase a large plot of land near the village for farming use.  This is a major step toward our goal of helping the village become self-sustaining.


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